Saturday, September 3, 2011

"What I like most about kindergarten so far is..."

I asked the kiddos one on one what they like best about kindergarten so far and here is what each child said.

Kepa~ I like the Lego center and eating corn dogs and lunch.

Brooklyn~ I like drama class with Ms. Barry and when Rainbow (the class turtle) tried to escape from the tank. 

Mia~ the writing center and the home center

Marlee~ running, coloring, and the home center

Ty~ home center and drawing pictures for my family

Kailea~ the writing center and using white boards

Chloe~ rest time, drawing, making little books at center time

Andreah~ center time

Thiago~ arts and crafts

Kwanza~ playing with all the centers and reading dinosaur books in the classroom library

Blake~ playing outside on the playground

Shalin~ rest time

Micheal~ the playground and visiting the school library

Remi~ centers and library

Aidan~ playing outside with my friends Hayden and Blake

Kaleb~ drawing my family

Kobe~ playing on the hopscotch outside

Dillon~ playground and home center

Layne~ playground, songs, and seeing the school library

Keoni~ playdoh and blocks

Daven~ recess and doing art projects 

Kiare~ playdoh and recess

Kayla~ reading books and using the writing center

Hayden~ playdoh, art, and playing outside at recess

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