Saturday, August 27, 2011

There were WILD THINGS in B-104 on Wednesday......
1st we read the story.

Then, we watched it on Bookflix. This is a website that animates storybooks. Our school is so awesome it renewed our subscription for another school year! 

Next, we became WILD THINGS by using our bodies. 

In drama, we use the state of standing in Neutral. This is where they find a spot in the room to stand in, have a calm body, their eyes are focused on the speaker, and hands are to their sides. This is great for drama activities in the classroom. It's the 'starting' point of our task at hand. Here are 3 of the students showing the class what NEUTRAL looks like.  
Next, I asked them to show us what a Wild Thing looks like. 
Here's what they chose to do. 

 For the next part of the lesson we got into groups of 3 or 4 and they were given one paper and one marker.  The student needs to draw a Wild Thing onto the paper by taking turns. Each person needed to add 3-4 details on the paper and here it comes SHARE the marker. This was a great team bonding lesson and another chance for the students to learn how to take turns. They did a great job and made some FABULOUS creations! 

1 comment:

bart said...

future artists wow